Sorry I didn't update this sooner. Monday July 28
th I went in first thing in the morning and I had not
dilated anymore so she told me I could go to work but had to take it very easy. She scolded me a little bit because she knows me and that I am famous for "kind-of listening" to her. She stressed how important following her restrictions was to the health of the baby. So I have been a model patient since her warning. Last Tuesday the Dr. Called and said I tested positive for
Shigella (Google it. I am not going into detail...). She put me on antibiotics and the symptoms quickly subsided. She also put me on very strong iron since my iron was almost non-
existent. Now I feel fabulous! I actually have a little color to my skin and can eat normal now. So hopefully there will be no baby for six more weeks. We don't have anything ready for this kid yet...