Sunday, July 16, 2006

Little Princesses

This weekend it was just too hot during the day to even think about going outside so the girls got creative inside. Mia wore her little pricess dress she got for her birthday and Isabelle wore her poodle skirt from last halloween. They danced around the house and had a good time.

Fourth of July Weekend

Forth of July weekend we went out to the north western edge of the state to Kent's grandma's farm. It was nice to get out the country and smell all the fresh air. The weather was very nice and we were able to enjoy outdoor activities. Kent took the kids out to an old abandoned homestead were they used his metal detector to search for treasures. We lit off some really nice fireworks on Saturday night and Kent went golfing Sunday morning. On Saturday the guys took the old tub out of the bathroom to replace it with a new shower. Not thinking about it before hand, I had no way to give Mia a bath, since all that was left was the shower in the basement. So we got creative and I hauled hot water out to the front yard with a bucket to the old tub and put cold water in it until it was a good temperature and gave Mia a bath. Nothing like bathing country-style!

Daddy's Little Helper

Kent was doing some work under the Kitchen sink and Mia decided that she wanted to help.