Saturday, July 26, 2008


Just a little note on the baby and my health. For now, the baby is fine, still cooking and there is every effort being made to keep it that way. Last week Saturday I came down with the what I thought was the simple stomach flu. Well, by Monday the symptoms did not let up, I started to get contractions which didn't feel like the regular braxton-hicks so I went in to see my dr. The dr was very concerned because I was very dehydrated, which can trigger preterm labor. She gave me fluid through an IV and sent me home to rest one more day. Wednesday I went back to work, still not feeling very well and still losing fluid, but I was doing everything I could to drink fluid and stay hydrated. Thursday I was back in to the Dr. and again, hooked up to an IV - just as dehydrated as before. This time I had been experiencing even more contractions that were stronger than before. My cervix has begun dilating, which at 32 weeks is not normal. The Dr. put me on strict bedrest for Friday, Saturday and Sunday with instructions to drink fluid like I have never drank before. I am going to see her on Monday morning and if my cervix has dilated anymore than it was on Friday, I am stuck in bed until my due date. I hope to GOD that she lets me go off bedrest on Monday because I will GO CRAZY if I have to sit in this bed any longer. My stomach is still not behaving like it should but she (the Dr.) ran a bunch of other tests which I should get results for on Monday. I know the importance of keeping this baby in there as long as possible, but it doesn't change the type of person I am - I can't sit still. I feel bad for Kent because he is having to do everything by himself. I feel bad for the girls because I am not able to play with them outside like before (and make them do outside farm chores). And I feel bad for myself because I love to go out to the chickens, the goats, and the garden and this weekend is a perfect summer weekend. So, I will keep everyone posted as to what the dr has to say on Monday. Please pray that everything is good and I can go back to my normal life.

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